Monday, June 7, 2021


 Eta Sigma Delta is proud to present, GREEK HIGHLIGHT 411. The Flawless Sapphires will pick 2 greek organizations a month to interview. We will get to know a little about them, and any upcoming events so we can be more informed on upcoming Greek Events. Our fraternity for the month we chose is Xi Alpha Phi. Big Sister Sweet and Sassy sat down with Founder Tiaz Esquire. Heres what he had to say.

Christy: Hi grandpa, I am so glad you had the opportunity to sit down with me today and do this interview. First off I want to say congratulations on your 8th Founders Day. Im sure you are extremely proud of what you have accomplished and we are proud of you!  How bout we get started with telling me a little about you?

Tiaz: Thank you baby girl, yes I am so humbled. I am so proud of what Xi Alpha Phi has accomplished over the past 8 years and will continue to do more. My name is Tiaz Esquire. I have been on SL for 10 years in August...I came from IMVU. I thought I was a builder, but when I got to SL I found out I wasn't a builder I was a professional texture. I got into the Greek world because I wanted the camaraderie that I saw from my brothers, my uncles and my dad. I have 4 children Cameron, Nova, Sheba, and Brooklyn.  I have a beautiful wife who is my RL as well, Mrs Suzie Esquire, whom is the founder of Psi Kappa Phi. We have been together since 2015, and still going strong.  She is my rock and my biggest supporter. She stands beside me through it all, and I couldn't do it without her.

Christy: Awww Im glad you gave a shout out to grandma, shes an amazing woman! Psi Kappa Phi is Xi Alpha Phi's sister organization. I love seeing y'all blend so well together. I love how unified you as brothers and sisters stand with each other. Speaking of brothers, tell me what made you want to start a fraternity in SL? And when was Xi Alpha Phi founded?

Tiaz: Xi Alpha Phi was founded June 1st 2013. Most people know that I am a real greek. I am a third generation Alpha. I am and forever will be an Alpha Kappa Alpha. My uncle and brothers and father are Alpha Phi Alpha, the thing that I wanted to experience the camaraderie, that my brothers and uncles and nephews have in RL. When I got on the grid, I never hid that I was a female and I wasn't accepted into fraternities because of that very reason. I joined an organization and ended up being a founder but they weren't going in the direction that I would have liked to go . After leaving, my family at the time suggested that I start my own organization and thats how Xi Alpha Phi was created. It was a lot of work, but every second of that work was well worth it. 

Christy: Again, congratulations on your 8th Founders Day! I want to switch gears for a moment and talk about the community service you have done. What are your philanthropies and why are they important to Xi Alpha Phi? 

Tiaz:  Sickle Cell Anemia, It has impacted my family so much and the black community as a whole. I had 14 aunts and uncles in RL and now I am down to 6. I wanted to throw my all into something that I could relate to and be passionate about. I will continue to spread awareness due to the impact it has had on my family. Helping people and spreading awareness makes everything we do worth it.

Christy: That is truly beautiful grandpa. I am so sorry for the loss of your family members. Im sure its very hard, but I love the fact you are helping other people from your own personal experience. Aside from the charities, what are some of your signature events? 

Tiaz: Alpha Steel is the one night Alphas strip for charity. We have a silent auction, normally happens in August, and we have the beauty pageant, Miss Golden SL, which we weren't able to do last year due to Covid, but we are looking forward to doing it this year. We have our annual Hood Ball as well which is in December. 

Christy: I look forward to supporting those events!! Would you like to announce any upcoming events?   

Tiaz: Alpha Steel will be coming soon, please follow our Facebook page for more details on upcoming events.

Christy: Alright Im sure the ladies is gonna love hearing that event is coming soon!!! Ladies be on the look out, the Alpha's are about to strip it down! Alright grandpa, I have one more question, and Im sure we all want to know the answer. Is Xi Alpha Phi going to have a pledge line anytime soon??

Tiaz: Yes we are actually accepting applications and doing interviews for our next pledge line, if you are interested please go on the website and fill out the application and we will get back to you. We look forward to meeting you.

Christy: That is awesome! You heard it here first. Thank you so much for doing this interview with me. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Tiaz: Yes actually I would like to say one more thing bbg. There are alot of organizations that have came from IMVU,. When they come to a different platform, we need to respect the people that came before you. Make sure you are original, don't take short cuts, due your homework and making sure you aren't taking anyone else's idea. I have been on the grid 8 years, and I have busted my butt and so have my brothers to have something original, so all I ask is do your homework, put in the time to be unique and original. Its about respect for each others and what they bring to Greek Life. Anyone who is a true founder wants to be respected and recognized for making their own way, so don't ride somebody's coat tails. Stand up and do your own thing and make your own thing great! Lets Unify and do our service to the SL Community. Thank you again so much bbg for allowing me to come and sit with you. 

Christy: You are very welcome grandpa! Again, thank you for your time!

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