Saturday, December 25, 2021

All I Want for Christmas 🎁 🎄


All I want for Christmas is my family and friends to be happy, healthy, and fulfilled. I want my children to have any and everything they could possibly dream of.

I want my husband and I to have another year and years to come full of love, laughter, and growth. The one thing I want most for Christmas, is for everyone to remember the reason for the season. 

Enjoy your families and don't take one single second for granted. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 

Big Sister Sweet N Sassy!
Christy Romero 

All I want for Christmas is world peace and healing from this pandemic... I did not get it for Christmas but my prayers were answered when my husband and I reunited and I am so thankful for him and his love.

Merry Christmas 
Big Sister Dedicated 
Uqqn Caxton Kennedy Bodiford 

All I want for christmas this year is peace on earth and good will to men. This year has been very tough for me with two of my dogs dying and having a horrible summer with my kids getting sick too, going through the fall and landing in the hospital. 

When I look back and reflect I just want for my childern to have good health, my husband jason to get back home to Florida where he belongs, and each of my sorority sisters to have the best Christmas this year ever. 

That is  all I want for Christmas this year and many  more years to come I love each and everyone of you and may your Christmas be bright and the holidays sing for the good times and you cherish what you have now and love what you have lost and remember that life is what you make it so make it a good one!

Big Sister Rocky Road
Mandalyn Silverfall

All I want for Christmas is 2022 to be a year of growth and prosperity. I want to make a 2022 plan and be able to stick with it. I also want my relationship with my sisters to be better and better with each day.

 Finally I wish peace and happiness on all those around me!

Big Sister Visonary
Melanie Devereux 

All I want for Christmas is for all my friends and family to be safe and happy. I also hope to get some downtime to just relax.

Merry Christmas wishing everyone a blessed and joyous holiday season. 

Big Sister She Did That
SnowAngel Dvere

All I want for Christmas is good health and for this world to heal. I miss when we did not have to worry about deadly viral infections that can shut things down. I wish for this world to understand this is a test, wake up! I want my friends and family to be happy, loved, and most importantly alive. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Big Sister On Point 
Cassie Shaw M.D