Thursday, December 24, 2020

All I Want For Christmas Day 4 ~Big Sister On Point~

All I want for Christmas is for 2021 to be much better than 2020. The whole world is suffering from this virus that came in and ruined families. I want equality for all, s peace, love, unity and healing hearts. I have lost a lot this year including my nephew to senseless violence. 

 I say peace.... Peace of mind, peace from harm, peace from ignorance, peace from bigotry, peace from prejudice, peace from bullying, peace from illnesses etc.   I just want PEACE, still silence, deafening peace.

I say unity because this world needs to heal from the man that was put into office for 4 years. He caused division and pain.   We are all HUMAN, bleed red and can all leave this earth the same. This is not years ago we need to excel better.

I say love because a lot of people forget how to love, or to love. Love is the essence of beauty, joy, leading to peace, unity and healing. Love does not mean possession. Love does not anger. Love conquers all especially, love of my savior Jesus Christ which is the true reason of this season we celebrate. It’s not about presents and good food, it’s about the one that died for us to save us. HE showed unconditional LOVE.

I wish my family and friends all of the above and know they have my love eternally. 

This is all I want for Christmas.

Big Sister On Point ~ Cassie D. Shaw MD.

All I Want For Christmas Day 3 ~Big Sister Smiley~


This Christmas I just want to be safe and be well and for my family RL and SL to be safe and have A Merry Christmas! 

PS I want elf ears.

Big Sister Smiley ~ Angie Bloobury

Sunday, December 20, 2020

All I Want For Christmas Day 2 ~Big Sister She Did That~

All I want for Christmas is good health and quality time with family. This year was a huge eye opener for me. I lost a few loved ones and it really took a toll on me. On the bright side it has shown me that family is everything. Quality time with the ones you love is so important over the material things. As long as those in my life are safe, healthy and happy then I'm goooooOd! 

I'm praying that our world finally heals and next year we are stronger than ever! Merry Christmas to my beautiful sisters. I love each and every one of you. I'm so thankful that we have crossed paths in this game of second life. May you all receive everything that your heart desires and so much more

Big Sister She Did That ~ Snowangel Monroe-Emerald

Saturday, December 19, 2020

All I Want For Christmas Day 1 ~ Big Sister Sweet N Sassy~

To say this year has been challenging would be an understatement. All I want for Christmas is for all my family and friends to be happy and healthy, for my son to have a wonderful Christmas, and world peace. 

This is all I want for Christmas.

Big Sister Sweet N Sassy ~ Christy Sparrowhawk