Friday, November 22, 2019

~~National Go For A Ride Day~~

~~National Go For A Ride Day~~

What is Go For a Ride Day?

Go For a Ride Day urges you to just get up and get out! Do you ever feel like you’re tied to your laptop/phone/tablet screens? It's a day for escape, for wandering, and for taking in the scenery. Celebrating all forms of transportation—cars, trucks, planes, trains, scooters, bikes, and everything in between—it's a day to go for a ride! Pick a location you’ve always wanted to visit and make today the day you’ll go. Today the focus is on the journey, not the destination.

History of Go For a Ride Day

Birthdays are fun and Christmas means presents but nothing quite compares with the day you get your license. That’s when your world truly changes forever. Why? Cars mean freedom. You can suddenly go anywhere at anytime (as long as your parents are cool with your plans). Such is the nature of transportation — something we in the 21st century take for granted. We all grew up with planes, trains and automobiles — so we’re quite used to getting where we need to go.

Just a little weird fact for you all. Today is also the anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy, who was shot while riding in an open-top car. Nonetheless, it is unknown who created Go For a Ride Day, and we shouldn't let one abhorrent event in history keep us from celebrating the joy of going for a ride.

How to Celebrate?
Gather your friends and family members and take a ride out of the city to the countryside. Pack a picnic lunch along and commune with nature.
Participate in a bike or car rally or race.
Take a ride in your car to the nearest amusement park and spend the day enjoying some amusement rides.
Don't own a vehicle? Don't worry, take a ride in your local public transport.

So what are you waiting for??? Get dressed, grab them keys, and drive. It doesnt matter where you end up, just as long as you enjoyed the journey of getting there! Drive safe and responsibly!!!

Until next time, take care of yourself and each other!

Dr. Christy Alexis Sparrowhawk

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