Monday, May 6, 2019

National Nurses Day

Today is May 6th. Every day stands for something...whether its National Cheese Day, or Mothers Day, which is coming up in a few days. Happy Early Mothers Day to all the ladies around the world, you all are beautiful and deserve every day of praise, not just one! However today, is about a special type of person. A person who gives so much, but doesn't receive enough praise. A person who even after their shift is over, they take their work home with them.

 Did they make the right decisions that day, could they have done something different to save someones life. You got it, I am talking about nurses. Today is National Nurses Day. I work in the Medical field in RL, but I am nowhere near a nurse, but I am a RN in SL and I work for the Family Luv Medical Center, and every day is an adventure. I have to say being a nurse is very hard work, and nurses do not get enough credit for what they do. 

So today or anytime if you see a nurse, Thank her for what she does. I bet you have no idea what really goes on behind the scenes or the pressure that comes along. Your life is in their hands, and they try every day to save one. They often leave their shift drained, exhausted, and wondering if they made a difference. I am here to tell you that if you are a nurse and you are reading this. You do make a difference, you are special, and you have my upmost respect. 

Enjoy this day whether you are an LPN, RN, or even if you are a CNA. We appreciate all you do, and every day you sacrifice your life for ours.

               Sincerely Yours
            Christy Blazewood

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