Saturday, April 20, 2019

*•.¸♡ нυsвαη∂ αρρяεcιαтιση ∂αү! ♡¸.•*

The History of Husband Appreciation Day

For as long as there have been wives, there have been husbands, and these two companions have worked together to maintain their families and homes. Of course, the role of husbands in families has changed over the years, but they aren’t any less (or more!) worthy of that appreciation! Traditionally, if such a thing can be said to exist, husbands were the bread winners of the family, going out to work each day to bring in the money needed to support their families. Looking back even further the husband was the hunter of the hunter-gatherer set, so bringing home the bacon was even more literal than it was when it merely referred to the money they earned to buy the bacon!

Now, anyone who lives in today’s world (that’s all of us) knows that the reality of the single earner family is no longer true to our day to day existence. Instead it is typical that both partners work, (or more partners in poly relationships), or in some cases it’s the wife that is the bread-winner, bringing about the term ‘house-husband’ for the stay at home male partner.

The most important role of a husband isn’t the money they bring in, or even the work they do taking care of the home in the case of a house-husband. But the love and support they give to their partners. This emotional element is so much more important than anything else they do, and they are as tireless in this as in all other things.

I chose to do this blog because this means something to me. My husband is not only my soulmate, my confidante, my biggest supporter, the Clyde to my Bonnie, the most loving and caring person but he is also my very best friend.

When I think of what a husband should be, I think about him and how special he makes me feel. When I'm sad he's my shoulder, when I'm happy we are silly together, when I'm sick he is my medicine. 

I appreciate him every single day but today I would like to put emphasis on why he means so much to me and to let him know that he is appreciated.

Ladies be sure to let your hubbies know exactly how you feel about them, tomorrow is not promised and sometimes we forget our husbands need to hear how much they are appreciated too. 

Every day they’re out there, caring for their families in a million different ways. Things have changed over the years, and Husband’s roles have changed with it. What hasn’t changed is the appreciation they deserve for all their tireless efforts. Husband Appreciation Day reminds us to take a little time each year to celebrate these wonderful men and everything they do.

All the reasons I love you....
He protects and watches over us

Get down and dance with me showing support always

Always by my side

When I'm sick you are right there trying to make me feel better. 

All in all you have my back always....

Show the husbands some love and appreciation. 

Signing out
Destiny Davis-Santiago MD
                   aka Big Sister On Point

1 comment:

  1. This is why i love you just when i think there is no way i can love you more than i already do you go and open your heart wider and let your love cover my life i am truely greatful god made you for me because you have enriched my life and made me a better person always standing by my side making things seem effortless yet in reality it's hard work yet you do it with a smile even when we are upset with one another we stay still holding each other up and i can't thank God enough for the love you show.This is why i love you your y best friend my lover the mother of my children my ride or die my cam in the storm my prayer partner my beginning and my future you are my first thought after the Lord when i wake i can not imagine my life without you thank you for this blog it has touched my heart in a way i did not know exisited nd i am truely Thankful. I love you forever i like you for always as long as i'm living my baby you'll be
