Wednesday, April 10, 2019

National Siblings Day

What comes to your mind when you think of the word sibling?

Do you smile, laugh, cry? Or any other emotion we may have. When sibling comes to my mind, I think of a bond that cannot be broken. I think of 2 or more people sharing their lives...good, bad, ugly, pretty, through everything. Its kind of like a marriage, if you think about it. You love each other so much, you more than likely would lay your life down with no questions asked. Other days, your wondering how you are gonna keep from killing them. LOL. In the end, Carol Ann Albright-Eastman wrote the most truest quote about a sibling bond. "Sisters and brothers are the truest, purest forms of love, family and friendship, knowing when to hold you and when to challenge you, but always being a part of you.." I'm very proud to say, that I have a few siblings, blood related and non, that I honestly could not see myself without. Respect, love, loyalty, admiration are some of the words that come to mind when I think about the bonds I have created with my siblings. So to my RL and SL sisters and brothers, my siblings near and far, this day is for you. Thank you for coming into my world, and staying by my side. You all deserve so much more than a blog post, but this one is for you all!

Shannon- My RL Brother- 8 years between us in age (hes older, haha) My brother and I havent always been close due to our age difference. Now that we are both adults, we grew a certain respect for one another. I tell our story because siblings dont always get along, it isnt always roses and sunflowers. "Like branches on a tree, we may grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one." — Unknown  We have went in seperate paths, but one thing remains the same, I respect you, I love you, and always know little sister will have your back through any and everything!

Sara- My sister for 20+ years. When I think of siblings, shes one of the people that come to my mind. We have had our share of ups and downs but we have always put our sister bond first. I love you my sister. You will always be my family, through any and everything!!! 2. "The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other." — Unknown

Twin- One of the realest I know, we have been through so much the short amount of time that we have been twins, but I tell you, you are the definition of a true sibling. You love hard, but wont hesitate to tell someone when they acting wrong, even me. I love you for always staying real and true to yourself, even when the world would crack. I look up to you, I admire you, I respect you, and I love you to the moon and back, two times...Okurrrrrrrrrrr “She is my best friend. If you break her heart, I’ll break your face.” -Anonymous  This is all the way you, I love you my beautiful twin!

Bubba Matt- My My how we have been around the world and back in 8 years. We went seperate paths but the one thing we've never done is gave up on each other. My brother from another mother, you are one of the best men I know. Always Always remember that you are everything, most men strive to be. Little sister will always be here to lift you up, encourage you, and be the biggest pain in your backside you've ever seen! “Being brother and sister means being there for each other.” -Anonymous

Paris- You started off as my cousin, and now you are my sissy. I will always be around for you whenever you may need me. We dont talk nearly enough, but know I will always love you, and will go to war for you

Ameer- Though we have traveled different paths, and dont talk as much as we should. You will always be my brother. I love you

To my sisters of ETA SIGMA DELTA!
When I tell you I will ride for my sisters, I mean that with every ounce of my being. The true definition of a sisterhood is us and we strive to get closer every single day. Snow, Destiny, UQQN, Daphne, Egypt, Pinky, Elle, Dru, Mic, Sugar, theres one quote that holds true to us, and I will quote it now. "When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?" — Pam Brown. We are strong, we are rare, and we are FLAWLESS. I love all my sisters, and let me be the one to say, I am my sisters keeper!

Happy Siblings Day to everyone who reads this blog, and the ones who dont. If you have a siblings, Blood or Non, tell them how you feel. Tomorrow isnt promised and you never want to leave someone guessing how you feel about them. To all my brothers and sisters I listed in this post, I will leave you on this quote. No truer words have ever been spoken, and I mean them from the bottom of my heart. "If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart, I'll always be with you." — Winnie the Pooh

Sincerely Yours,
Christy Blazewood Mitchell
Big Sister Sweet and Sassy

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