Wednesday, March 15, 2017

~National Shoe The World Day ~

"Each day over 500 million children, teens and adults around the world do not have a pair of shoes to wear, and despite the terrain and the climate, they have to walk barefoot everywhere. It is a struggle each day that we cannot begin to imagine.  Having to live a daily life without protection on your feet can lead to a lifetime of problems including pain, injury, cuts, sores, infections, parasites, banning from schools and other places and the list goes on."

Anyone who knows me knows that it's incredibly ironic for me to be talking about shoes.  Me... the ever-loving advocate for a barefooted SL.  98% of the time, I'm just too lazy to put shoes on in SL.  And if I'm not going anywhere in RL?  I'm barefoot too.

But - as little as I admittedly think about it - I am entirely blessed to be able to have the CHOICE whether or not to wear shoes in my RL... and am even more blessed to be able to be in a virtual platform with an avatar that may or may not be wearing shoes at any given moment.  Not everyone has these choices, and I don't think about that as often as I should.

National Shoe The World Day is observed annually on March 15th.

It is a day created to bring awareness, to everyone across the nation, of the incredible need to help those people around the world that do not have shoes to wear, and then to TAKE ACTION in helping.

Over 900 million people live on less than $1.90 per day.  400 million of them are children.

So how do you help?  Many people don't have access to one of life's most basic necessities: a good pair of shoes.  You can visit Soles4Souls HERE to donate to the organization, or to donate shoes.

You can also use the hashtag #NationalShoeTheWorldDay on social media to spread awareness.

As you go through your day, and the days to come, perhaps become a little more aware of the world around you.  The choices that you take for granted.  Which shoes to wear... whether to wear shoes at all.  Some people... more that you might think... don't have the luxury of such choices.

❤ Samineh (Tiviyah Resident) aka: Big Sister Enigmatic

Shape || Mine
Head || Barbara Bento Head | GA.EG | Skin Fair (until 03/26)
Skin || Misty (T4 Fawn; Bare) | Lumae | Skin Fair (until 03/26)
Hair || Patty Hair (Browns) | Wasabi Pills | Ultra | new!
Eyes || Tokyo Eyes | Izzie's | Skin Fair (until 03/26)
Body || Lara Body (v3.5) | Maitreya
Top&Shorts || Kenza (Black) | Kenny Rolands | Ultra | new!
Shoes || Dana Flats (Coal) | | Kustom9 | new!

Chair || Selah Rattan Chair (Dark + Lights) | Trompe Loeil

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