Thursday, April 29, 2021

(❁´◡`❁) GREEK HIGHLIGHT 411 (❁´◡`❁)

Eta Sigma Delta is proud to present, GREEK HIGHLIGHT 411. The Flawless Sapphires will pick 2 greek organizations a month to interview. We will get to know a little about them, and any upcoming events so we can be more informed on upcoming Greek Events. Our first greek organization we chose, is the fraternity Kappa Nu Chi. Big Sister Sweet and Sassy sat down with Founder Devon Deveruex. Heres what he had to say.

Christy: I first want to thank you for sitting down with me for this interview. I know you are a very busy man, so your time is appreciated. 

Devon: Thank you for having me.

Christy: First lets start off with introducing yourself and telling us a little about you? 

Devon: My name is Devon Holiday-Deveruex, Ive been on the game for 10 years. I have done lots of things on the game and like to do things that are different. I have had my own singing competition The Voice which lasted 2 seasons, done videography, opened the first restaurant with RP Voice, which was done with my lovely wife Melanie, and used to do weddings. I now focus more on things that are for my frat, because thats pretty much all I have time for. I pride myself on doing things that are not the norm. I try to step out of box and do things that haven't been done before, or try to put my spin on them.

Christy: I love that you like to step out of the box for things. Its what makes SL a great place to be. Can you tell me about your fraternity, and what made you want to start a fraternity. 

Devon: I founded Kappa Nu Chi 11/11/16 and started by myself.  A couple people asked me to start one. I was in a frat, before but I wasn't fulfilled with what I was getting. I had a friend of mine that wanted a brother organization to her sorority. I told her I was going to do my own thing, my own vision, and it kind of went from there. I wanted to create a fraternity that was a safe place for mature minded men, and build a true brotherhood. 

Christy: Thats awesome! True brotherhood and sisterhood is amazing! Do you feel you have accomplished your goal? Do you have any future goals? 

Devon: I set out to create a space, and I think I have, and that's the brothers of KNX feel like they found a place where they belong. I am a firm believer in quality over quantity. You can have many events, and throw tons of fund raisers but if you haven't got an organization where the brothers and sisters know each other, there's no substance, and you don't have anything. What I hope for us, is to keep the same mentality, that we keep doing things original instead of your day to day things. We have actually written a play, and put it on for the public on our Founders Day and we may do another.

Christy: Speaking of original events, what are some of your Signature events? 

Devon: We have Night Cap, its a party we throw twice a year. A lingerie party. We also have the Greek for the Greeks, its a Greek Themed Toga party, we have the Kappa Cruise, which we just put on, this year we went to India, and we also have the Mother's Day event, this is to give thanks to the mothers on the grid, and we give each mother that shows up a special gift!

Christy: Awww that sounds awesome, I will definitely show up to support! What do we expect to see from Kappa Nu Chi this year? 

Devon: Well right now we have the Mothers Day Event coming up. Its May the 8th, so mark your calendars! Details on that event will be announced at a later time. I also am working on something Big, but cannot disclose any details at this time!

Christy: One last question Devon, Will you be doing anymore pledge lines? and If so, when can we expect you to start?

Devon: We are planning on this year, depending on the quality of applicants. Follow us on Facebook Kappa Nu Chi for information about upcoming events, and pledge applications. 

Christy: Devon, I wanna thank you again for taking the time out to do this interview with me. I want to thank you for all your hard work and contributions.

Devon: No problem, thank you again for thinking of Kappa Nu Chi.

I had a great time doing this interview, and I cant wait to do the next one. Stay tuned, there are big things coming from Eta Sigma Delta. Until next time, take care of yourself and each other


Big Sis Sweet N Sassy

Christy Sparrowhawk

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