Wednesday, May 10, 2017

๐ŸŒ⏰ National Twilight Zone Day ⏰๐ŸŒ

Twilight Zone Day is mysterious, weird, surreal and perhaps a little scary. We can think of many other adjectives, but I think you get the picture. Every once in a while, you have a day like this. And, today is designed to be that day.

The television show The Twilight Zone, was created, written and narrated by Rod Sterling.  It premiered on October 1, 1959. The episodes were wildly popular, stretched the imagination, and captivated viewers. The show aired from 1959-1964.


What’s your favorite episode of The Twilight Zone? Use #NationalTwilightZoneDay to post on social media.

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"You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind.
A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next Stop, the TWILIGHT ZONE!"

Beloved by children, teenagers and adults alike, the cult classic TV show The Twilight Zone has affected entire generations of people, prompting them to take a closer look at life and various phenomena and take nothing for granted, thanks to it's unique combination of science fiction, mystery, and thriller/horror themes. Not to mention how many of today's well-known actors got their start in it-Burt Reynolds, Leonard Nimoy, and William Shatner, to name but a few. How then could this majorly influential show not have it's own holiday?


The Twilight Zone was created by acclaimed television producer Rod Sterling in 1959, with the first episode premiering on October 2nd. At the time of it's release, it was vastly different from anything else on TV, and it struggled a bit to carve out a niche for itself at the very beginning. In fact, Sterling himself, though respected and adored by many, was famous for being one of Hollywood's most controversial characters and was often called the "angry young man" of Hollywood for his numerous clashes with television executives and sponsors over issues such as censorship, racism, and war. However, his show soon gained a large, devoted audience. 

Twilight Zone Day is an annual holiday created to celebrate this thought-provoking television series, where everything was strange and surreal and nothing was ever quite as it seemed to be.


There are a number of ways to celebrate Twilight Zone Day, and the one you choose my be connected to how well you know this TV series. Believe it or not, there are still people out there who have never seen it! You could watch some episodes from the classic series, perhaps " To Serve Man" "It's a Good Life", or "The Eye of the Beholder" episodes that are widely considered some of the very best in the entire series. You could also watch the 1983 Twilight Zone Movie. There are Twilight Zone board games and trivia games. With friends, you can discuss who you think were the strangest villains, and what were the true reasons were for them being the way that they were. And what a good party be without some tasty drinks? Yes, there are Twilight Zone cocktails. You can try them by mixing Bacardi white, Dark and 151 Proof Rum, Triple Sec, pineapple and orange juices. If you have a few Twilight Zone Cocktails, you may well find yourself transported to a different dimension.
{ Over and Out }
Egypt A. Assanti {aka} Big Sister Southern Heat ~~~~ Baroness

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