Thursday, August 4, 2016


The World Breastfeeding Week 2016 is based on raising awareness of breastfeeding. By recognizing that breastfeeding is a key to sustainable development, we will value well-being from the start of life, respect each other and care for the world we share. 

"Breastfeeding is not only the cornerstone of a child's healthy development; it is also the foundation of a country's development."

Not only is breastfeeding great for your baby's development but it is also awesome for the mother too! If you factor in these points... No late night bottle warming, No expensive formulas (save your dollars), you burn calories and no bottles to make on the go! If these are not legitimate reasons to breastfeed then I don't know what is.

I also breastfed my son. I was not able to have him right after birth which made me nervous about him latching on but my worries were for nothing. The nurse taught me the correct way and helped him latch on and it was smooth sailing from there. I watched what I ate better because I knew I wanted him to have the proper nutrition and it was so very convenient evening when I went back to work.

When going back to work I took my nursing bag with me which held my pumps and clean bottles. During breaks I would go and pump because ladies if you do not, you will be walking around with some new girls and its very painful so be sure to let the milk out, it allows your breast to produce more milk.

This photograph says it all. Go somewhere quiet, clean and pump away!

Breastfeeding is also awesome because it does 10 things I'm sure you probably didn't know and some I stated above. 

1. Saves life - Protects your baby from diseases and antibacterial agents.

2. Provides - All the nutrients your baby needs for the first 6 months.

3. Ensures - Clean and safe source of food especially in emergencies.

4. Makes - Child grow strong and intelligent.

5. Breaks - The cycle of diarrhea and malnutrition.

6. Bonds - Mother and child

7. Reduces - The mother's risk for ovarian and breast cancer.

8. Helps - Space pregnancies a natural method of birth control. 

9. Saves Money! - By not having to buy infant formula and feeding equipment.

10. Protects - The environment with no need for packaging and disposing.


Signing off
Big Sister On Point
Destiny Basset

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