Thursday, October 21, 2021


 Eta Sigma Delta is back with GREEK HIGHLIGHT 411. The Flawless Sapphires have been pretty busy but we are back up and ready to interview the sororities and fraternities on the grid to bring you the latest of whats going on in the Greek world. . Our sorority for the month we chose is Zeta Gamma Rho! Big Sister Sweet and Sassy sat down with Founder Tia Kimagawa. Heres what she had to say.

Christy: Tia! Its an absolute pleasure to be sitting down with you today. I hope you are doing well!

Tia:  I am doing great, thank you. Its a pleasure to be here.

Christy: You are very welcome. Lets jump right on in, so tell me a little background about you?


Tia: I have been on Tia, for 12 years, and my first account puts me at 14, im old *laughs* I am a mother, fiance, daughter, I am entrepreneur, and founder of Zeta Gamma Rho. In my non sorority time, I am typically at home, Im a homebody, I stay on my sim most of the time. I have alot of business ventures, I have TKO which is my clothing line, Rolling Meadows which is a residential Sim, I am my mothers on demand manager for her resort and her residential communities as well.

Christy: Im not gonna call you old, but you certainly have been on the grid a long time. So what made you want to start a sorority? When was it founded?

Tia: Zeta Gamma Rho was founded in 2013, from myself and one other lady. She fell sick and went on hiatus. When we hit the grid officially it was January 14th 2014. Zeta Gamma Rho was founded because we wanted to have a group of like minded sisters. We are for quality not quantity. Theres so much petty on the grid, and id be lying if iI said theres not petty moments within our organization as well, but my sisters and I have such a great bond. Those are my sisters more than my RL sisters. The core of Zeta Gamma Rho sisters have remained with me, and we build with each other each and every day. I surround myself with ladies who have attributes, who want to learn, who can teach me something, and thats one of the things I love about Zeta Gamma Rho, we never stop learning or growing.

Christy: I love that about your sisterhood. It is so important to have a close personal bond with your sisters! So tell me how do you feel Zeta Gamma Rho is different from the rest of the sororities in Second life? 

Tia: I think that ZGR is not fake, we are anti social, and the thing that stands us out the  most is that at the end of the day we are family. We have issues just like any other, but we are sisters but we pride ourselves in respecting each other.

Christy: I love that answer! So tell me what are your philanthropies?

Tia: NO Kid Hungry, Purple Purse, Breast Cancer Awareness

Christy: Ive never heard of Purple Purse, could you go into further detail?

Tia: Why sure I would love to. Purple Purse is a charity that supports women of domestic violence..women who are looking to get out of a DV situation. Its not just about physical abuse, there is also mental, emotional, sexual and financial abuse. So purple purse allows the women who are seeking to escape, they provide the funds to do so.

Christy: Sometimes we often forget about Financial Abuse as well. I love that philantrophy! Do you have any signature events? 

Tia: October we have No Kid Hungry we always host a dance with the dead party, but this year it will be called Monster Mash. In March we have our black excellence gala where we celebrate the minority owned and operated businesses on the grid.

Christy: That is awesome! Do you have any events coming up?

Tia: October 23rd is our Monster Mash Event for No Kid Hungry, we would love to see everyone there!!!!!!

Christy: One more question, Are the ladies of Zeta Gamma Rho by chance having a pledge line this year? 

Tia: We will not be taking a pledge line until the first of the year, but please be on the lookout for further information with pledging and our events on Facebook.

Christy: Sounds great! Do you have any closing remarks or anything you would like to add?

Tia: One thing i would like people to know about Zeta Gamma Rho is that we may be small but we are a force to be reckoned with and we support everyone on the grid. We dont bite, so we would appreciate the same type of love and always willing to lend a helping hand to the Greek community. We are looking to do collabs if anyone is interested. 

Christy: Right on! Eta Sigma Delta would love to collab with you. We may need to talk again about setting something up! Thank you so much for your time, and doing this interview with me!

Tia: Thank you so much!

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