Sunday, July 7, 2019

👨‍👧 National Father Daughter Takes a Walk Day 👨‍👧


I know what you are thinking.... National what? What is that? Oh you made this up yourself. I assure you that National Father Daughter Take A Walk Day is in fact a national day. To be honest, it's a pretty cool day if you ask me. Just think about it...

This day promotes the bonding of dad's and daughters through the simple act of taking a walk together and sharing observations and conversations. Just by getting away from distractions of work, chores, and electronics, fathers and their daughters can learn more about each other and make memories that will last a lifetime. I actually think me and my dad should make this a weekly or monthly thing. There is so much to learn about each other.

National Father Daughter Take a Walk Day is observed annually on July 7th but make it a tradition and it doesn't have to be your father, could be your grandfather, step father, uncle etc.  

The memories made during your time together will stay with you forever. During the summer season, there are many incredible places to walk and enjoy nature as you spend time talking, laughing and bonding. While taking a stroll, cherish the time spent together. Your child will value the gift of the time you give no matter how they are.

As you’re walking, you will also be setting an excellent example of a healthy lifestyle – another valuable gift. Walking is one of the best exercises and the easiest to incorporate into a child’s life at a young age. Set a pace that’s comfortable for the both of you. And remember, walking is something the whole family can do together, so don’t be surprised when the rest of the family asks to go for walks, too.

Father-daughter walks can be as long or short as you like. Walks around your neighborhood help increase interactions with the neighborhood. Another great place for walks is along local walking or hiking trails. These well-marked trails offer a little bit of nature while keeping from getting lost. During inclement weather, indoor walking tracks take the place of the sunshine and parks. However, if there’re no thunder or lightning, take an umbrella. While walking in the rain with your daughter, take in the cleaner air and splash in some puddles.

Besides walking, start a conversation with your daughter. Subjects vary depending upon your child’s age, of course. However, your child usually knows where to take the conversation. If you both are at a loss for words, visit for some conversation starters. These topics not only will help you get to know your daughter better, but they will help her get to know you, too. Your guidance and time help your daughter learn self-respect, determination, and perseverance. Fathers some times don’t realize how much a daughter looks up to them and cherishes their attention.

Celebrate the opportunities to stroll and converse with your daughter. Create a new routine and this same time next year, it will be the anniversary of your father-daughter walks!

I enjoy any of the time I get to spend with my dad, you should do the same :)

Me and my little sister Kyra had the opportunity to walk with our father :)

Signing out
Destiny Joffer-Davis MD 
                          Big Sister On Point 

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