Wednesday, March 6, 2019

πŸ‘“ Save Your Vision Month

πŸ”ŽAccording to the American Optometric Association (AOA), the average American spends seven or more hours per day looking at their screens- smart phones, tablets, LED monitors, and flat-screen TVs. This overexposure to blue light – high-energy visible light emitted from digital devices – can lead to digital eye strain, sleep problems, blurred vision, headaches and neck and shoulder pain, among other things.
During March’s 2019 Save Your Vision Month 2019, the following tips explore ways people can protect their eyes and monitor digital screen usage while at home or work:
  • Power down before you turn in: Turn your digital devices off at least one hour before bed.
  • Unplug with the AOA 20-20-20 rule: When you are using any device or computer, make a conscious effort every day to take a 20-second break and look away from the screen, every 20 minutes and view something 20 feet away.
  • Step back: Maintain a comfortable working distance from your digital device by using the zoom feature to see small print and details, rather than bringing the device closer to your eyes.
  • Adjust your device to fit your needs: The AOA recommends reducing the glare by adjusting device settings or using a glare filter to decrease the amount of blue light reflected from the screen.
  • Schedule an appointment: Visit Dr. Jason Kaminski for a comprehensive eye exam to detect and address vision problems.
πŸ”ŽSave Your Vision month is held every March and aims to increase awareness regarding good eye care. Organized by the American Optometric Association, the main focus of this event is to encourage more people to go for regular eye exams. With computers becoming an everyday part of people’s lives, the risk of eye strain and damage is higher than before. Apart from ordinary eye care, this month specially focuses on eye care in the work place with an emphasis on employers to take eye care and health seriously.

πŸ”ŽTaken For Granted
Save Your Vision Month reminds many people of a rather shocking thing, that most of us take our vision for granted. Seeing is one of the easiest things to do in the world- you just have to open your eyes. Apart from that, so much of our lives are based on visual stimulation. From work to entertainment, our eyes form a large part of our everyday lives. Unfortunately, most of us don’t think about actual eye care until something goes wrong. It’s important to note that just like visiting the dentist regularly is important, regular eye checks are also important.

Some of the benefits of regular eye exams are very apparent. For instance, if the power of your eyesight is decreasing or faulty, corrective measures can be taken immediately. This is much healthier compared to putting up with eye strain until it becomes a real problem to see. Eye checks can also tell you a lot about your general state of health. For example, diabetes is very often diagnosed via an eye exam. Other diseases like glaucoma can be quickly detected and treated by going for regular eye tests.
πŸ”ŽEye Care At Work
Today, almost every work place is fitted with computers, whether it’s a corporate office or a small library. One of the biggest problems of continued and persistent computer use is eye strain. Many people who use computers for long stretches of time tend to complain about symptoms like dry eyes, blurry vision and eye strain. While it might not be feasible to cut down on computer use, there are a number of ways to maintain good eye care and health while you work. First of all, regular eye exams are a must and it’s important to tell your doctor how much computer work you do each day. When using your computer, make sure that you stop for breaks at regular intervals. It’s a good idea to just get up and walk to a window and just have a look outside. Allowing the eyes to look away from the screen, particularly at something soothing can be very resting for the eyes.

One problem many computer users face is a problem they probably aren’t even aware of- that is the fact that they don’t blink. When staring continuously at your monitor, you will blink a lot less than normal- this is what causes the problem of dry eye. When working at your computer, make a conscious effort to blink as much as possible. In fact, closing your eyes for a few seconds can really help as well. If you still face a problem, consider buying artificial tears and applying them to keep your eyes moist. If possible, install a humidifier in your work area.
The way you sit at your computer also plays a big role in the health of your eyes. Make sure the monitor is about 20 inches away from your eyes. The top of the monitor should be tilted a little below your eye level. Also make sure that you keep your monitor free of dust and fingerprints, as these can greatly reduce clarity. Last but definitely not least, remember that eating healthy can indeed improve the health of your eyes. Eating plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits as well as getting a good night’s sleep are all important ways to preserve the health of your eyes. During this Save Your Vision Month, it’s important to take the necessary steps towards better eye care.

10 Ways to Save Your Vision

πŸ”Ž1. Enjoy a cup of tea – Green tea contains antioxidants, like vitamins C and E, lutein, and zeaxanthin that help protect against AMD and cataracts.  It is it hydrating, helping you produce tears.
 πŸ”Ž2. Take time to blink – On an average you blink about 15 – 20 times a minute. However, that rate drops by half when viewing text on a screen. Try using the 20/20/20 rule when staring at a screen: Every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds so you can blink naturally and give your eyes time to relax.
 πŸ”Ž3. Wear sunglasses and a hat – Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can deteriorate vision over time, leading to cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The American Optometric Association recommends sunglasses that block at least 99 percent of UVA and UVB radiation and that screen out 75 – 90% of visible light. And if you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, it’s a good idea to get sunglasses with lenses that are polarized, which means that they’ve been treated to reduce glare.  Since the sun doesn’t just affect your eyes from the front, try wearing a large brimmed hat to further protect your eyes.
πŸ”Ž4. Increase the seafood in your diet – Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to bolster heart and brain health, as well as decrease your risk of eye disease. According to a study published in the 2011 Archives of Ophthalmology, women who ate canned tuna and dark-fish meat (mackerel, salmon, sardines, bluefish, swordfish) just once a week reduced their risk for AMD by 42%, as opposed to people that ate the same fish less than once a month.
 πŸ”Ž5. Eat a rainbow – Eating a full rainbow of fruits and vegetables regularly helps give your body the nutrients it needs.  In addition to fiber, vitamins and minerals, naturally colored foods contain what are known as phytochemicals, which are disease-fighting substances that also give fruits and vegetable their array of colors.  Star nutrients are lutein and zeaxanthin—pigments found in such foods as dark, leafy greens, broccoli, zucchini, peas, and Brussels sprouts. Also important are antioxidants found in red foods such as strawberries, cherries, red peppers and raspberries,  Orange foods have beta-carotene and include carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and yams.
πŸ”Ž6. Use digital screens at a safe distance – The brightness and glare from computers, tablets, smartphones and televisions can lead to eyestrain after prolonged use. Recent studies have also shown ill-effects from the UV rays from these devices.  Symptoms can include headaches, blurred vision, dry or red eyes and difficulty refocusing. Experts recommend keeping the computer screen at least an arm’s length away and that you hold a handheld device at least 16 inches from your eyes.
 πŸ”Ž7. Contact lens solutions serve a purpose – While approximately 85% of contact lens wearers claim that they’re caring for their lenses properly, only 2% are according to a study out of Texas. The most harmful but common problem is moistening contacts with saliva instead of saline solution.
 πŸ”Ž8. Make-up makeover – Replace tubes of mascara after three months, as it is a breeding ground for bacteria. Sharpen liner pencils regularly and while it is okay to line the base of your lashes, using the liner inside the lash line can block oil glands. Replace eye shadows yearly and don’t share your eye cosmetics.
 πŸ”Ž9. Use protective goggles –   According to a 2008 study from the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Society of Ocular Trauma, of the 2.5 million eye injuries in the US annually, nearly half happen at home.  Sports activities are another cause of eye injuries, from contact sports to sports that use balls that could catch you unaware.  When snowboarding or skiing remember to protect your eyes from the sun and wind with tinted goggles that have UV protection.
 πŸ”Ž10. Have a yearly eye exam – Even if you don’t wear corrective lenses, adults should get a comprehensive eye exam (which includes dilating your pupils with drops) by age 40. After that a yearly eye exam is recommended to keep your eyes healthy and catch any changes in your eyes that may be indicators of eye disease.  If you have a family history of glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration, or you have diabetes, you are at a higher risk for vision-related issues and your doctor may elect to see you more often.  If you have symptoms such as persistent pain inside or behind your eyes, redness, or gradual loss of vision, make an appointment with your doctor immediately.

Blogger: Egypt Assanti
ESD Baroness
{aka} Big Sister Southern Heat  πŸ‘“

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