Saturday, April 14, 2018

🤣 International Moment Of Laughter Day 2018

 On April 14, stop, smell the roses, and laugh a little (or a lot), because it is International Moment of Laughter Day.
The unofficial holiday, created by humorologist Izzy Gesell, encourages people to forget the stresses of daily life and give into the healing and relaxing power of laughter 

Reduces Stress

    Medical studies have shown that laughing reduces stress, increases blood flow, and lowers blood sugar levels. Some studies have found that people who laugh just before going to bed are much more likely to sleep better than those who did not.

Spreads Happiness

In addition to its health benefits, laughter also has social advantages. People who are jovial tend to be quickly accepted in social groups and have an easier time making friends. Laughter is a way to spread joyand happiness and bring cheer in the lives of other people.

How to Celebrate?

It’s International Moment of Laughter Day! Today is a day to laugh loudly and laugh often! Watch a funny movie, read an amusing book, share your favorite jokes, and indulge in some good old-fashioned silliness to celebrate the occasion.
In addition to spreading joy, laughter has many health benefits. Studies have shown that there is indeed some truth to the old saying, "laughter is the best medicine." Laughter can act as an antidote to pain, stress, and conflict. It also strengthens our immune systems, boosts circulation, and relaxes muscles.
Whether you giggle, chuckle, chortle, cackle, or guffaw, share a moment of laughter with friends, family, and strangers today. Happy International Moment of Laughter Day!


As we all know, laughter can also be contagious.  Even faking it seems to have some benefits.  Classes called “laughter yoga” engage the abdominal muscles, lungs, arms and facial muscles while using humor to get us laughing to cure what ails us.
When you and a friend have those long bouts of uncontrolled laughter that end in tears and aching stomach muscles that last a good 10 minutes or longer, you burn between 10-40 calories per 10 minutes.  So, keep giving each other those don’t-look-at-me-or-I’ll-start-laughing-again looks and you’ll keep right on burning more laugh-healthy calories and you’ll enjoy a good memory, too!

Add a laughing baby ringtone to your phone.  Use humor to make someone’s day. Take some time to laugh and use #LetsLaughDay to post on social media. 🌤

Blogger: Egypt A. Assanti
Big Sister Southern Heat
ESD Baroness 💋

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