Tuesday, February 28, 2017

~Eta Sigma Delta's Sapphire Monologues - A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant, & A Prayer~

On February 23, 2017 at 6 pm slt, Eta Sigma Delta shocked the SL world with yet again their rendition of the inspired play by Playwright Eva Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues". The Sapphire Monologues was created in order to shed some light on domestic violence against women. It was done in a exciting, emotional and fun way, while held in deep in the Bayou of New Orleans.

Each performer brought such a amazing talent to their performance. Some made you want to cry, some made you emotional, some made you laugh, some made you mad and some just made you HOT. The audience took in a sense of what each female was bringing to the table, rather it was a monologue or a poem. Everyone was all eyes on the stage as the performer spoke every word.


KariNoelle Baptiste, The Host for the night - Introduction to “A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant & A Prayer” by Eve Ensler

KariNoelle Baptiste, Eta Sigma Delta’s Secretary, head of philanthropy & host for the night educated the audience that although the Sapphires Monologue’s were inspired by "The Vagina Monologues,”  Eta Sigma Delta Sorority is fully committed to ONE BILLION RISING as part of their philanthropies raising awareness and spreading the word about Domestic Violence against women. Her introduction was riveting and phenomenal, her words, her actions, her voice, all came off strong, and awesome!


Mookie Lazarno – Lyrical Café’s Poetess (Original poetry)

Mookie's performance along with appearance was OUTSTANDING! The emotion she put into giving her view on a abusive relationship, feeling bonded and not free had the audience all in and just breathless as they watched her speak and felt the pain she was feeling even through her performance. Just fabulous job!


SnowAngel Monroe performing "The Perfect Marriage by Edward Albee"

SnowAngel, Eta Sigma Delta's Founder's performance had you laughing, in awe and with the wow factor as she explained how a "perfect marriage" turned into a pleasure filled abusive one. The way she executed this skit and gave life to what it was depicting was awesome!


Stevie Basevi - “Ego Tripping" by Nikki Giovanni

Stevie, Eta Sigma Delta's Princess' performance was amazing, she gave the visual along with the way her words flowed, and the delivery of it all was fantastic. 


Micvonjo Kenyon – “Groceries” by Abiola Abrams

Micvonjo, Eta Sigma Delta's Princess' performance was also amazing. It truly gave the audience something to think about especially women when it came to bringing your groceries in the house. This monologue depicted a woman that got way more groceries than she could carry and left some outside of the house to take the other one inside. This monologue showed the abuse of a woman sexually and abusively. The way this was executed was great!


Kamille Kamala – Lyrical Café’s Owner (Poetry)

Kamille's performance gave you the visual as well as a awesome spoken word depicting of being caged and then free. She had the audience engulfed into her performance and for great reason. Her performance was amazing!


Kilolo Jenkins – “Maurice” by Kathy Najimy

Kilolo, Eta Sigma Delta's Princess' performance was so exciting and refreshing! She had you tuned into what she was saying with the expressions and the acting she put forth in it. It was a perfect monologue about a teenage unpopular girl with a great personality that is into boys and was violated by one of the cool boys at school during a dance. She perfected this performance!


SugaBaby Brite – “Stop The Violence Against Woman” by Alice Walker

When I say Sugababy, Eta Sigma Delta's Duchess' performance had every woman in the place ready to stop the violence against woman, that would be a understatement. She gave a very emotional rendition of this, with the yelling and strong sound in her voice. She did a awesome job bringing this forward!


Stevie Basevi – “In Memory of Imette” by Periel Aschenbrand

Stevie once again gave a amazing performance, from her props to her delivery. If you know Stevie, to see her come out like this in this performance was like WOW. It made you feel as though you were there with her during this monologue. It had you all in and she did awesome!


SnowAngel Monroe – Woman Works by Maya Angelou

Again, SnowAngel did a awesome job with reciting this great poem by Maya Angelou. She made you feel the poem and gave a wonderful performance.


Destiny C. Basset – “Fur is Back” by Eve Ensler

Now for my performance and keep in mind I am not reviewing my own performance but relaying what was said directly to me. Destiny, Eta Sigma Delta's Empress performance of a non excited party goer with absolutely no interest in partying but went to a party with a friend and basically became the lifeless of the party if you get me. She was uninterested in their fancy clothes and boring conversation that had nothing to do with what was going on in the world today. She gave a awesome performance of a woman giving some party goers history on the abuse going on around the world happening to women. Accompanied by her 2 party goers in their fancy furs was KariNoelle and Kilolo, standing pretty excited about how fur is back. She yelled, cussed screamed and ranted until it got her thrown out of the party. Awesome job to all of these ladies!


LP Kidd – The Nile Experience

The big finish was one word, EPIC! LP Kidd - The Nile Experience gave the audience some entertaining and soothing dances that was perfect end to a perfectly emotional night.

In closing, remember that domestic violence happens everyday. Take a closer look at the One Billion Rising website. One Billion Rising is the biggest worldwide action to end violence against women in human history. Keep the statistic that "1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during their lifetime" as cited by One Billion Rising website. Help us continue to raise awareness... Stay Aware! Help especially if you see it happening.

Signing off
Dr. Destiny Basset aka Big Sister On Point


  1. Beautifully done Destiny! One Billion Rising is very special to my heart due to some of the work i've done in RL, working with returning citizens - women. I"ve sat and listened to their stories, their struggles, their guilt and remorse. Hey, I'm just a suburban girl from the East Coast, what did I know? Well, from the women who have a story to tell of stopping the violence of women all over the world...i've learned alot. I thank my sisters of Eta Sigma Delta for sharing my passion and working with me to bring awareness to this cause. Thank you..

  2. You executed this event fabulously sis. Awesome job all the way!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What an amazing event. I felt so honored to be a part of this very powerful show. Finally women are taking the chance to speak their truth and are receiving the support that they deserve.

  5. Thank you for letting us participate in your vision! It was wonderful and so powerful!
