Tuesday, December 3, 2019

National Make a Gift Day

Get ready to bring out those glue sticks, construction paper and sparkly glitter to complete a special gift on National Make a Gift Day. I have labeled myself the DIY Queen in my household so this day brings so much joy to me since I have sooo many crafts that I do. On this day there will be nothing store brought for presents, you will have to bring out that creative side and make it on your own. The creative gift you decide to make to give someone is more meaningful than a gift bought at a store because you have but time, effort and love into it. It does not matter if your gift is big or small because your homemade gifts come with a priceless tag....your love.

Being a self proclaimed DIY Queen I have always added an extra flair to presents it being a homemade card or some nice gift basket. Now we all know Christmas is upon us and this is the time when people (even me sometimes) break the bank on presents. With the stress of the buying presents we can lose the sight of the whole giving part of it. When I was younger I had made my mother a Christmas card and even though I was only about 7-8 years old she loved it and still has it til this day. It was the only thing she had gotten that year as a present. A simple homemade card can bring someone so much joy and happiness that it will shock you.

So on this day pull out all the stops and make someone close and dear to you a gift. There are so many websites and books out that will give you DIY gift ideas as well. If you ever think what can you give someone just keep it simple and from the heart. With that being said Happy National Make a Gift Day and thank you for reading.

Dr. Mic Kohana
Big Sister Concrete Rose '15

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