Friday, April 30, 2021

(❁´◡`❁) GREEK HIGHLIGHT 411 PART 2 (❁´◡`❁)


Eta Sigma Delta is proud to present, GREEK HIGHLIGHT 411. The Flawless Sapphires will pick 2 greek organizations a month to interview. We will get to know a little about them, and any upcoming events so we can be more informed on upcoming Greek Events. Our second Greek organization for the month we chose, is the sorority Sigma Iota Sigma. Big Sister Sweet and Sassy sat down with Founder Dominiq Savinon. Here's what she had to say.

Christy: First, I wanna say thank you for sitting down and talking to me. Im sure you have a busy schedule. 

Dominiq: I thank you as well I am so happy to have this opportunity.

Christy: First lets start off with introducing yourself and telling us a little about you? 

Dominiq: I am Dominiq Savinon and I am one of the Founders with Sigma Iota Sigma Sorority. We have been established since 2014.

Christy: Awesome! So what made you want to start a sorority? . 

Dominiq: With all the wonderful sororities on the grid and having been in a sorority in real life I wanted to add to the Greek Community with our own chapter. We have had such an amazing experience from the moment we started in 2014 up until now with bonding with other Greek entities.

Christy: Thats awesome you've had the experience with RL greek life, I wished I had of when I was younger. What makes Sigma Iota Sigma differ from other sororities on the grid? 

Dominiq: As all the Greek organizations have their own staple here on the grid .Sigma Iota Sigma. prides itself in being the sisterhood that makes sure that we are networking with other Greek organizations for one as we all have a purpose here on the grid. We also enjoy educating about our philanthropy more than just during the month of its awareness. What we like to do is educate, empower and encourage

Christy: I love that answer! Speaking of Philanthropies, can you educate us on the philanthropies Sigma Iota Sigma support?

Dominiq: Yes of course our philanthropies are Journey Center For Safety & Healing (Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy)  and also NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders). NORD actually is personal to me and my real life health. With the NORD organization it speaks to me as I have a rare disease called PVNS which stands for Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis. It is a condition that causes the synovium which is the thin layer of tissue that lines the joints and tendons to thicken and overgrow. The mass or tumor that results from this overgrowth is not cancerous however can only be treated via cancer methods. So I have had radiation treatments and several surgeries. It has gotten so worse that I am now pending a double knee replacement for both of my knees. 

Christy: Oh my, that sounds very painful to deal with and I am so sorry that you have to deal with that.  Both are great philanthropies to support. Its always fulfilling to support something that you are passionate about. What are some of your signature events? And do you have any events coming up that you would like to announce?  

Dominiq: I am super excited about all the events we have however our coming out event on June 19th will be an event that will impact a lot of people. Currently right now we are supporting a lot of Greeks for their Autism Awareness events. I will just say stay alert to the .Sigma Iota Sigma Facebook page and all of the wonderful things we have coming up and or are supporting.

Christy: Well now you have peaked my interest. I am all for a great event! I have just one more question. Will Sigma Iota Sigma be doing a pledge line soon? And if so, when? One last question Devon, Will you be doing anymore pledge lines? and If so, when can we expect you to start?

Dominiq: We will be recruiting this summer actually. We wanted to wait to make sure our home was settled for the new sisters to come in to. However we are super thrilled to welcome the new bonds. We will be announcing it on our Facebook page as well.

Christy: That is awesome! Eta Sigma Delta will be on the look out to show support your way!  Thank you so much for sitting down with me today to do this interview Dominiq, It was a pleasure meeting you, and I look forward to supporting Sigma Iota Sigma in the years to come. Do you mind if I snap a picture of you?

Dominiq: Sure as long as you get my good side, lol.

There you have it, a word from one of the co-founders of Sigma Iota Sigma. I had such pleasure doing this interview. Dominiq you were amazing to interview, and I look forward to coming to support your events in the near future. Until next time yall, take care of yourself and each other.

Big Sister Sweet N Sassy

Christy Sparrowhawk

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