Friday, February 24, 2017

~Sisterhood/Brotherhood Week~


This week is sisterhood/brotherhood week and Eta Sigma Delta thought it would be a great idea to include this week in one of our blogs, after all in Greek life we are all sisters and brothers no matter what sorority or fraternity you are affiliated with. Sisterhood and Brotherhood is about unity, coming together for various reasons but mostly to do great to the community.

But really what is sisterhood? Well by definition sisterhood means unity and friendship among women. A deep bond based on eternal love and respect. However, if you ask different women, they will likely have different answers.

For me sisterhood means a long-lasting unbreakable bond among women. The bond that ties you to that person in different ways then others. In a sorority that bond will be special with each one of your sorority sisters because each sister is unique in her own way therefore so should our bond be. Sisterhood is not something that is formed overnight, no, that bond happens over time and effort on all parts. This is what makes being a Sorority different, special and a enjoyable experience.  

Sorority membership is for a lifetime, so you know that your sorority sisters will stand by you way for a lifetime. A sorority woman says “My sisters encourage me to be a leader, and they support me in all of my endeavors. My sisters will bum around with me, go to random events with me or take me out for a special occasion. My sisters will share my joys and sorrows, and they will stand with me on my wedding day.”

This is a bond, a unity, a friendship, a family, a respect and a mutual eternal love.

Sisterhood — it’s the reason for sorority. There are many benefits to sorority membership, but few are greater than the unconditional and lifetime bonds of friendship that we call sisterhood. 

And what is really brotherhood? By definition a brotherhood is a relationship between brothers, friends, a feeling of kinship with closeness to a group of people or all people. We all know it runs way deeper than that. As the picture above states, don't call me a brother unless you know it's meaning. As with a sisterhood, it is not easy to explain to a person, it is something they have to experience for themselves.

Brotherhood is the bonding of men of various backgrounds, beliefs, places, and eras around a singular set of life-directing commitments.

A brotherhood is weak or strong based on the degree to which the commitments are made and maintained.

A brother is a good brother if he follows the commitments and helps others follow them as well.

Brotherhood has to be maintained. Constantly. For the rest of your life. If you choose to stop adhering to the commitments you made, then you fall out of the brotherhood. You stop being a brother, even if you're wearing the letters or your name still appears in the directory.

If a fraternity values togetherness and hanging out, then it is really valuing friendship. This is completely fine. Friendship is an attractive asset for a fraternity. Lot's of places can claim friendship. Brotherhood is not friendship, although it can create friendship. Brotherhood is a sacred privilege. It's not easy to maintain.

Why is brotherhood difficult to define? Because done right, it is extraordinary. There is a reason so many brothers stand up at each others' weddings. And eventually eulogize each other. Those moments are reserved for family, or those who might as well be. For those with whom we’ve forged a connection that’s deeper than just beers on Saturday nights, or Spring Break trips together. A connection born on the day we spoke the oaths that made us fraternity men together. (Source)

Happy Sisterhood/Brotherhood Week to all my fellow Greeks!

Signing out
Dr. Destiny Basset aka Big Sister On Point

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