Hello readers, I hope your day and your week has been well. I apologize for the late blog, but due to working in RL, my time is limited but I wanted to bring your attention to an important blog topic. As many of you may know, May is Arthritis Awareness Month. Did you know that 1 out of 4 people will be afflicted with arthritis in their lifetime. 1 out of 4 people! I myself suffer from arthritis as well, so in this blog I will list different types of arthritis, facts, and list some links to be more aware. I hope you enjoy.
What exactly is arthritis? Arthritis means joint inflammation, but the term is used to describe around 200 conditions that affect joints, the tissues that surround the joint, and other connective tissue. It is a rheumatic condition. ... Rheumatic conditions tend to involve pain, aching, stiffness, and swelling in and around one or more joints. Some forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus can affect multiple organs and cause widespread symptoms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 54.4 million adults in the United States have received a diagnosis of some form of arthritis. Of these, 23.7 million people have their activity curtailed in some way by their condition. Arthritis is more common among adults aged 65 years or older, but it can affect people of all ages, including children.
What causes arthritis? There is no single cause of all types of arthritis. The cause or causes vary according to the type or form of arthritis. Possible causes may include:
injury, leading to degenerative arthritis
abnormal metabolism, leading to gout and pseudogout
inheritance, such as in osteoarthritis
infections, such as in the arthritis of Lyme disease
immune system dysfunction, such as in RA and SLE
Most types of arthritis are linked to a combination of factors, but some have no obvious cause and appear to be unpredictable in their emergence. Some people may be genetically more likely to develop certain arthritic conditions. Additional factors, such as previous injury, infection, smoking and physically demanding occupations, can interact with genes to further increase the risk of arthritis.
Types of arthritis:
Inflammatory arthritis
Inflammation is a normal part of the body’s healing process. The inflammation tends to occur as a defense against viruses and bacteria or as a response to injuries such as burns. However, with inflammatory arthritis, inflammation occurs in people for no apparent reason. Inflammatory arthritis is characterized by damaging inflammation that does not occur as a normal reaction to injury or infection. This type of inflammation is unhelpful and instead causes damage in the affected joints, resulting in pain, stiffness and swelling. Inflammatory arthritis can affect several joints, and the inflammation can damage the surface of the joints and also the underlying bone.
Degenerative or mechanical arthritis
Degenerative or mechanical arthritis refers to a group of conditions that mainly involve damage to the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones. The main job of the smooth, slippery cartilage is to help the joints glide and move smoothly. This type of arthritis causes the cartilage to become thinner and rougher. To compensate for the loss of cartilage and changes in joint function, the body begins to remodel the bone in an attempt to restore stability. This can cause undesirable bony growths to develop, called osteophytes. The joint can become misshapen. This condition is commonly called osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis can also result from previous damage to the joint such as a fracture or previous inflammation in the joint.
Soft tissue musculoskeletal pain
Soft tissue musculoskeletal pain is felt in tissues other than the joints and bones. The pain often affects a part of the body following injury or overuse, such as tennis elbow, and originates from the muscles or soft tissues supporting the joints.Pain that is more widespread and associated with other symptoms may indicate fibromyalgia.
Back pain
Back pain can arise from the muscles, discs, nerves, ligaments, bones, or joints. Back pain may stem from problems with organs inside the body. It can also be a result of referred pain, for example, when a problem elsewhere in the body leads to pain in the back. There may be a specific cause, such as osteoarthritis. This is often called spondylosis when it occurs in the spine. Imaging tests or a physical examination may detect this. A “slipped” disc is another cause of back pain, as is osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones. If a doctor cannot identify the exact cause of back pain, it is often described as “non-specific” pain.
Connective tissue disease (CTD)
Connective tissues support, bind together, or separate other body tissues and organs. They include tendons, ligaments, and cartilage.
CTD involves joint pain and inflammation. The inflammation may also occur in other tissues, including the skin, muscles, lungs, and kidneys. This can result in various symptoms besides painful joints, and it may require consultation with a number of different specialists. Examples of CTD include:
SLE, or lupus
scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis
Infectious arthritis
A bacterium, virus, or fungus that enters a joint can sometimes cause inflammation. Organisms that can infect joints include:
Salmonella and Shigella, spread through food poisoning or contamination
chlamydia and gonorrhea, which are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
hepatitis C, a blood-to-blood infection that may be spread through shared needles or transfusions
A joint infection can often be cleared with antibiotics or other antimicrobial medication. However, the arthritis can sometimes become chronic, and joint damage may be irreversible if the infection has persisted for some time.
Metabolic arthritis
Uric acid is a chemical created when the body breaks down substances called purines. Purines are found in human cells and several foods. Most uric acid dissolves in blood and travels to the kidneys. From there, it passes out in urine. Some people have high levels of uric, acid because they either naturally produce more than they need or their body cannot clear the uric acid quickly enough.
Uric acid builds up and accumulates in some people and forms needle-like crystals in the joint, resulting in sudden spikes of extreme joint pain or a gout attack. Gout can either come and go in episodes or become chronic if uric acid levels are not reduced. It commonly affects a single joint or a small number of joints, such as the big toe and hands. It usually affects the extremities. One theory is that uric acid crystals form in cooler joints, away from the main warmth of the body.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the tissues of the body, specifically connective tissue, leading to joint inflammation, pain, and degeneration of the joint tissue. Cartilage is a flexible, connective tissue in joints that absorb the pressure and shock created by movement like running and walking. It also protects the joints and allows for smooth movement.
Persistent inflammation in the synovia leads to the degeneration of cartilage and bone. This can then lead to joint deformity, pain, swelling, and redness. RA can appear at any age and is associated with fatigue and prolonged stiffness after rest. RA causes premature mortality and disability and it can compromise quality of life. Conditions it is linked to include cardiovascular diseases, such as ischemic heart disease and stroke. Diagnosing RA early gives a better chance of learning how to manage symptoms successfully. This can reduce the impact of the disease on quality of life.
Osteoarthritis is a common degenerative joint disease that affects the cartilage, joint lining and ligaments, and underlying bone of a joint. The breakdown of these tissues eventually leads to pain and joint stiffness. The joints most often affected by osteoarthritis are those that get heavy use, such as hips, knees, hands, the spine, the base of the thumb, and the big toe joint.
Childhood arthritis
This can refer to a number of types of arthritis. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), also known as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), is the most common type. Arthritis in childhood can cause permanent damage to joints, and there is no cure. However, remission is possible, during which time the disease remains inactive. It may be due to immune system problems.
Septic arthritis
This is thought to affect between 2 and 10 people in every 100,000 in the general population. Among people with RA, it may affect 30 to 70 people per 100,000. Septic arthritis is a joint inflammation that results from a bacterial or fungal infection. It commonly affects the knee and hip. It can develop when bacteria or other disease-causing micro-organisms spread through the blood to a joint, or when the joint is directly infected with a microorganism through injury or surgery.
Bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, or Neisseria gonorrhoeae cause most cases of acute septic arthritis. Organisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Candida albicans cause chronic septic arthritis. This is less common than acute septic arthritis. Septic arthritis may occur at any age. In infants, it may occur before the age of 3 years. The hip is a common site of infection at this age. Septic arthritis is uncommon from 3 years to adolescence. Children with septic arthritis are more likely than adults to be infected with Group B Streptococcus or Haemophilus influenzae if they have not been vaccinated. The incidence of bacterial arthritis caused by infection with H. influenzae has decreased by around 70 percent to 80 percent since the use of the H. influenzae b (Hib) vaccine became common. Septic arthritis is a rheumatologic emergency as it can lead to rapid joint destruction. It can be fatal.
Fibromyalgia affects an estimated 4 million adults in the U.S, or around 2 percent of the population. It usually starts during middle age or after, but it can affect children.
Fibromyalgia can involve:
widespread pain
sleep disturbance
problems with thinking and remembering
The person may experience abnormal pain processing, where they reacts strongly to something that other people would not find painful.
There may also be tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, pain in the jaw, and digestive problems.The causes of fibromyalgia are unknown, but some factors have been loosely associated with disease onset:
stressful or traumatic events
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
injuries due to repetitive movements
illness, for example viral infections
having lupus, RA, or chronic fatigue syndrome
family history
It is more common among females.
Psoriatic arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis is a joint problem that often occurs with a skin condition called psoriasis. It is thought to affect between 0.3 and 1 percent of the population in the U.S., and between 6 and 42 percent of people with psoriasis. Most people who have psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis develop psoriasis first and then psoriatic arthritis, but joint problems can occasionally occur before skin lesions appear. The exact cause of psoriatic arthritis is not known, but it appears to involve the immune system attacking healthy cells and tissue. The abnormal immune response causes inflammation in the joints and an overproduction of skin cells. Damage to the joints can result.
Gout is a rheumatic disease that happens when uric acid crystals, or monosodium urate, form in body tissues and fluids. It happens when the body produces too much uric acid or does not excrete enough uric acid. Gout causes agonizing pain in the joint, with the area becoming red, hot and swollen.
Acute gout normally appears as a severely red, hot, and swollen joint and severe pain.
Sjögren’s syndrome
Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that sometimes occurs alongside RA and SLE. It involves the destruction of glands that produce tears and saliva. This causes dryness in the mouth and eyes and in other areas that usually need moisture, such as the nose, throat, and skin. It can also affect the joints, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels, digestive organs, and nerves. Sjögren’s syndrome typically affects in adults aged 40 to 50 years, and especially women. According to a study in Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, in 40 to 50 percent of people with primary Sjögren’s syndrome, the condition affects tissues other than the glands. It could affect the lungs, liver, or kidneys, or it could lead to skin vasculitis, peripheral neuropathy, glomerulonephritis, and low levels of a substance known as C4. These all indicate a link between Sjögren’s and the immune system. If these tissues are affected, there is a high risk of developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Scleroderma refers to a group of diseases that affect connective tissue in the body. The person will have patches of hard, dry skin. Some types can affect the internal organs and small arteries.
Scar-like tissue builds up in the skin and causes damage. The cause is currently unknown. It often affects people between the ages of 30 to 50 years, and it may occur with other autoimmune diseases, such as lupus. Scleroderma affects individuals differently. The complications include skin problems, weakness in the heart, lung damage, gastrointestinal problems, and kidney failure.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
SLE, commonly known as lupus, is an autoimmune disease where the immune system produces antibodies to cells within the body leading to widespread inflammation and tissue damage. The disease is characterized by periods of illness and remissions. It can appear at any age, but onset is most likely is between the ages of 15 and 45 years. For every one man who gets lupus, between 4 and 12 women will do so. Lupus can affect the joints, skin, brain, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels, and other tissues. Symptoms include fatigue, pain or swelling in joints, skin rashes, and fevers. The cause remains unclear, but it could be linked to genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors.
Tips to help with managing arthritis:
Being organized: keep track of symptoms, pain levels, medications, and possible side effects for consultations with your doctor.
Managing pain and fatigue: a medication regimen can be combined with non-medical pain management. Learning to manage fatigue is key to living comfortably with arthritis.
Staying active: exercise is beneficial for managing arthritis and overall health.
Balancing activity with rest: in addition to remaining active, rest is equally important when your disease is active.
Eating a healthful diet: a balanced diet can help you achieve a healthy weight and control inflammation. Avoid refined, processed foods and pro-inflammatory animal-derived foods and choose whole plant foods that are high in antioxidants and that have anti-inflammatory properties.
Improving sleep: poor sleep can aggravate arthritis pain and fatigue. Take steps to improve sleep hygiene so you find it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Avoid caffeine and strenuous exercise in the evenings and restrict screen-time just before sleeping.
Caring for joints: tips for protecting joints include using the stronger, larger joints as levers when opening doors, using several joints to spread the weight of an object such as using a backpack and gripping as loosely as possible by using padded handles.
Do not sit in the same position for long periods. Take regular breaks to keep mobile.
Arthritis is very serious, its nothing to be took lightly. I encourage you to read up on arthritis and this blog. I hope I have gave you some information to take with you. Until next time take care of yourself and each other.
Christy J. Sparrowhawk
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
😷 National Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month
Happy National Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month, although those that suffer from Asthma and/or Allergies knows that happy is not what you would describe it as.
I was born with Asthma but did not develop heavy allergies until I was in my teens when I had a horrible allergy episode. It was not fun and has not been fun ever since. Suffering from Asthma is hard enough but when you have a double dose (Asthma & Allergies), life is down right miserable especially during allergy season. Unfortunately, I passed that burden onto my son who also suffers from both. The only upside in that is, because I go through it, I can help him through it.. Let's first discuss Asthma...
Asthma is a chronic disease that inflames the airways. This means that people with asthma generally have inflammation that is long lasting and needs managing. An asthma episode, also called an asthma flare-up or asthma attack, can happen at any time. Mild symptoms may only last a few minutes while more severe asthma symptoms can last hours or days.
There is no cure for asthma and allergies, and many deaths are preventable with proper treatment and care. Ten people a day die from asthma. Asthma affects more than 24.5 million Americans. More than 6 million children under the age of 18 have asthma. More than 50 million Americans have all types of allergies – pollen, skin, latex and more. The rate of allergies is climbing. Please join us in raising awareness for these common diseases.
Asthma Symptoms
Asthma symptoms are different for everyone and depend on the severity of the disease. However some common symptoms are coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and chest tightness. Asthma may lead to a medical emergency. It is important to know the signs of a severe asthma episode (or asthma attack).
Common symptoms of asthma include:
- Coughing
- Wheezing (a whistling, squeaky sound when you breathe)
- Shortness of breath
- Rapid breathing
- Chest tightness
Sometimes symptoms can be mild, whereas other times they can be serious enough to cause you to have to stop what you are doing. In very severe cases, asthma symptoms can be life threatening. During severe asthma attacks, the airways can narrow so much that not enough oxygen can get into the blood traveling to vital organs.
For me, at times I would get the coughing and most times I would get the tight feeling in my chest and back. Over the years, I have learned how my body works and knows when it is time for a treatment or my Asthma pump.
Asthma may lead to a medical emergency.
Seek medical help immediately for:
- Fast breathing with chest retractions (skin sucks in between or around the chest plate and/or rib bones when inhaling)
- Cyanosis (very pale or blue coloring in the face, lips, fingernails)
- Rapid movement of nostrils
- Ribs or stomach moving in and out deeply and rapidly
- Expanded chest that does not deflate when you exhale
- Infants with asthma who fail to respond to or recognize parents
What Happens During an Asthma Episode?
During normal breathing, the airways to the lungs are fully open. This allows air to move in and out of the lungs freely. Asthma causes the airways to change in the following ways:
- The airway branches leading to the lungs become overly reactive and more sensitive to all kinds of asthma triggers
- The linings of the airways swell and become inflamed
- Mucus clogs the airways
- Muscles tighten around the airways (bronchospasm)
- The lungs have difficulty moving air in and out (airflow obstruction: moving air out can be especially difficult)
- These changes narrow the airways. Breathing becomes difficult and stressful, like trying to breathe through a straw stuffed with cotton.
Why Does My Asthma Act Up at Night?
Uncontrolled asthma — with its underlying inflammation — often acts up at night. It probably has to do with natural body rhythms and changes in your body’s hormones. The important thing to know about nighttime asthma is that, with proper management, you should be able to sleep through the night.
What Causes or Triggers Asthma?
People with asthma have inflamed airways which are sensitive to things which may not bother other people. These things are "triggers."
Asthma triggers vary from person to person. Some people react to only a few while others react to many.
If you have asthma, it is important to keep track of the causes or triggers that you know provoke your asthma. Because the symptoms do not always occur right after exposure, this may take a bit of detective work. Delayed asthma episodes may occur depending on the type of trigger and how sensitive a person is to it.
Environmental Asthma Triggers
Substances that cause allergies (allergens) can trigger asthma. If you inhale something you are allergic to, you may experience asthma symptoms. It is best to avoid or limit contact with known allergens to decrease or prevent asthma episodes.
Common allergens that cause allergic asthma include:
- Air pollution
- Dust mites
- Mold (indoor and outdoor)
- Animal dander, saliva and urine
- Cockroach allergen
- Smoke from tobacco or burning wood or grass
- Rodents
Irritants in the Air
Irritants in the environment can also bring on an asthma episode. Although people are not allergic to these items, they can bother inflamed, sensitive airways:
- smoke from cigarettes
- air pollution such as smog, ozone, and others
- wood fires
- charcoal grills
- strong fumes, vapors, or odors (such as paint, gasoline, perfumes and scented soaps)
- dusts and particles in the air
- chemicals
- Respiratory Illness
- colds
- flu (influenza)
- sore throats
- sinus infections
- pneumonia
- Tree, grass and weed pollen
- Extreme changes in air temperature
- Ozone alert days, which occur when temperatures pass 90 degrees and winds are less than 10 miles per hour
- anger
- fear
- excitement
- laughter
- yelling
- crying
If you are sensitive to aspirin and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
If you take medicines known as beta blockers – they can also make asthma harder to control
Respiratory infections are the most common asthma trigger in children.
Exercise and other activities that make you breathe harder can affect your asthma. Exercise—especially in cold air—is a frequent asthma trigger. Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) is a form of asthma that is triggered by physical activity. It is also known as exercise-induced asthma (EIA). Symptoms may not appear until after several minutes of sustained exercise. (If symptoms appear sooner than this, it usually means you need to adjust your treatment.) With proper treatment, you do not need to limit your physical activity.
Seasonal Asthma Triggers
Dry wind, cold air or sudden changes in weather can sometimes bring on an asthma episode.
Feeling and Expressing Strong Emotions
When you feel strong emotions, your breathing changes – even if you don’t have asthma. It may cause wheezing or other asthma symptoms in someone with asthma.
Some medicines can also trigger asthma:
While asthma is commonly known to affect the large airways, many recent asthma studies have shown how inflammation of the small airways contributes to asthma symptoms too. If a long-term control medicine does not reach or treat both the large and small airways, underlying chronic inflammation may persist.
There are different ways to control Asthma and the above picture tells the different ways. Also be in mind that if you are asthmatic and get a bad cold it is best to NOT take over the counters drugs for colds because it does not help only hinders your health. I learned that the hard way. Finally, a doctor informed me that the best medication is the asthma breathing treatment because it breaks down the mucous and opens up your airways. Try it next time, you will see it works wonders.
They go hand in hand.
Allergies are one of the most common chronic diseases. A chronic disease lasts a long time or occurs often. An allergy occurs when the body’s immune system sees a substance as harmful and overreacts to it. The substances that cause allergic reactions are allergens. When someone has allergies, their immune system makes an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies respond to allergens. The symptoms that result are an allergic reaction.
- 38 percent of adults with seasonal allergies felt that their symptoms were becoming more severe.
- Almost three out of four (74%) allergy sufferers had an idea what over-the-counter treatment options were available, but many didn't know what prescriptions were available (55%), what their allergy triggers were (37%), or how to help their allergy symptoms (36%).
- Only 47% of adults surveyed visited a doctor for advice or got a prescription for an allergy treatment from a doctor before allergy season.
- A large majority of parents of children with seasonal allergies (nearly nine-in-ten parents) worried about a severe allergy season more than their child's report card.
What Are the Types of Allergens?
- Drug (medicine)
- Food
- Insects that sting (bee, wasp, fire ant); bite (mosquito, tick); or are household pests (cockroach and dust mite)
- Latex
- Mold
- Pet (dog or cat urine, saliva and dander)
- Pollen
Good allergy treatment is based on your medical history and the severity of your symptoms. It can include three different treatment strategies: avoidance of allergens, medication options and/or immunotherapy (a treatment to train your immune system not to overreact).
The best way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid your allergens. It sounds so easy, but you can’t always avoid them. For example, it’s not possible to avoid all outdoor activities if you’re allergic to bees and wasps. But there are steps you can take to reduce your chances of being stung and you can carry the medicine you will need if you are stung. It is important to prepare and have an allergy action plan.
In closing, each year if you suffer from Asthma or Allergies or both please be sure to pay attention to your symptoms and your body and take care of you. Both can be very much life threatening.
Signing out
~ Destiny Shaw M.D.
Big Sister On Point
Sunday, May 10, 2020
🌺 α мoтнer'ѕ dαy ѕpecιαl мeѕѕαɢe 🌺
Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. Even if the woman is not your mother but has had a motherly influence on your life, celebrate her today and everyday.
Some awesome people put their feelings about Mother's Day this year to paper, let's take a peek... 👀
Eposito Sandra Samaz
To be a mother in second life has been a challenge. I have had some to come and go. However, it has been the best gift for me. It has taught me so much about love, patience, respect and loyalty. My children now, all 19 (yes 19) are everything to me. Most no longer play secondlife due to college, real life relationships, and just no longer having interest. However, I hear from them almost daily. they have my real life phone number and address, and I have theirs. We talk about things that go on in their real lives and they ask my advice. I celebrate their achievements as well as things they feel are failures. They trust me with their secrets and I support decisions as well as let them know what I do not approve of.
I know some of their real life parents and that makes me feel good that they allow me to share their child with me without jealousy or questions. I have been BLESSED with my kiddos. Out of all the things that has happen to me in secondlife, the awards I have received, my talk show, my clothing store, me being a DJ, etc. the most precious thing for me and will always be is the love, respect and beauty of my children. THANK YOU my babies for making me a mother.
I know some of their real life parents and that makes me feel good that they allow me to share their child with me without jealousy or questions. I have been BLESSED with my kiddos. Out of all the things that has happen to me in secondlife, the awards I have received, my talk show, my clothing store, me being a DJ, etc. the most precious thing for me and will always be is the love, respect and beauty of my children. THANK YOU my babies for making me a mother.
Melissa Detta
My Mother Sole,
I will never take for granted
how greatly I've been blessed;
For when it comes to parents,
Mom, you are the best!
When Dad took his heavenly flight
You held me close and in that moment
I knew you would never let me feel empty
Scared, alone or unwanted
So you took on the role as my
Ever present protector
You lift me up
You Support me
You became my best friend
And every time I needed you
You were right there
If you could look into my secondlife ,
how quickly you would see
the special place you hold there
and how much you mean to me.
You have proven by everything you do,
Every time you say you love me,
I know you’re telling me the truth
And even though I don’t always say it,
Mom you inspire me, and I love you so so much
Love Bbg Starr-Blitz

SnowAngel Monroe
You are also a great glam mom too lol EJ loves to visit. It is never a dull moment with you, we have had so many adventures. Happy Mothers Day Mommy.! I love you to the moon and back. You are so kind and sweet ...every day is mothers day.!!
Christy Jae Sparrowhawk
Real Life - Kathy
You are my best friend. I love you more than words can ever describe. I know I'm not the perfect daughter, but always know you are my hero, my inspiration and the woman I look to when my world is crashing down. If I am half the mother to Drew that you are to me, I will be happy..I love you so very much and always know I am proud to be your daughter. Happy Mothers Day, I love you!
Second Life - Jazmine
I have no words to describe the love and admiration I have for you. You have been my mother for over a year now, and I couldn't imagine being someone else's daughter. You love your family with all you have and you will fight for them without any hesitation. Happy Mothers Day queen.. I hope your day is as amazing as you!
Second Life -Divi
Although you are not biologically mine, you are just as much as a mom to me. Our talks mean everything to me. I know without a shadow of a doubt, that if ever I need you, you are there and always know I am here for you too. You are an amazing mother, always ready to crack some skulls over your babies. (haha) I love you my Divi, I hope your Mothers day is great.
Destiny C. Shaw M.D.
Dear God,
Mother's day is here but I cannot see her face, can you do me a quick favor at your own will and pace? Can you please pick some Roses in that perfect garden of yours? Give them to my lovely mother and tell her it comes from all her fours? Myself, my sisters and brother, for we miss her very much, but especially on this day we miss her tender touch.
Oh and God one more thing, if it's not too much trouble, pick another set of Roses just to make it a double? Oh and please tell her that we love her from the bottom and tops of our hearts. God thank you for this favor because it's very hard to be a part.
Us 💓💗💞
~♡ S.I.P Mommy for we will meet again I love you!
This day is always rough because I miss being able to shower my mother with love and show her just how much she is appreciated and loved. But today is not the only day I miss doing these things, I miss doing them every single day. I miss the phone calls and the hugs and being able to go to her for any and everything. I miss having my mom, my best friend.
I miss my mother so much and envy those that still have their mothers to celebrate this day with. I thank God that I had a mom that showed me love, devotion, guidance and all that a mother should be, because of her, I am a good example for my son. With time the blow of the pain lessens but the feel and need of a mom doesn't. Today as I will cry and remember I will also rejoice and be happy that although I want her here, I know she is in a better place and she is rejoicing with my father right now.
I am a mother and I couldn't have been blessed with a better child than mine in real life. I celebrate this day for him and for my real life mother. I love her and I know we will meet again. Mommy I love you more and more everyday, you are truly my hero... ❤❤
In Second Life, I have the best children ever. No relationship is perfect but each day they teach me the real meaning of love and motherhood. I love them and my real life son to life. Nothing is more rewarding then being a mother. Every year I miss my children that can not be around. There is nothing more rewarding then the love of your children. They love you unconditionally as you love them. They are not only my second life children but they are mine in real life too. I love them as if I birthed them in real life and I will always have the strongest love for them.
S.I.H. Mir (My sweet baby boy) 💓
Brooklyn (Mini Me) & Div (Choco Drop) 💓
Remy Jr. (My fighter)💓
Diamond Princess 💓
Andres (Honey Bunch) 💓
Raevyn, Raine and Ryland (Triplet Threat) 💓
- Destiny

Diamond A. Shaw
Mother's day is a day to celebrate both my mothers. I know I usually don't bring up my real life mother a lot because sometimes she is a lot. I not only want to acknowledge Destiny which is also my mom but this time I want to do both because you see both of them get me. They get me each in different ways.
To my real life mother, she knows me as nothing more than the name she's given me but for the sake of the second life blog it'll be Bree to you. And for Destiny my second life mother, which is just another mom.
Honestly, like damn you think you escape a real life mom to a second life one to think she'd be less strict. Hell nah think again 🤣 . Both of these woman over the years have given me a run for my money. I'll tell you what they both know I talk back, I'm difficult, I'm emotional, I can be to darn trusting at times. And they both take care of a special part of me when I need it. They say it take a Village and they weren't lying.
Everyone apart of my life today was put here in divine motion by God and I know it. Destiny has given me the care in and the nurture that sometimes I felt that I was lacking when I grew up. My real life mom has 8 children, I'm the second oldest and I know she loves me but she didn't get to nurture me the way I know she wanted to, dealing with so many kids. We also bumped heads a lot but that's only to be expected as you can see lol.
But my mom Destiny even though it was rocky when we first met almost 10 years ago with Desire and Dia and their twins we pulled through. We made sure we stayed connected and loved on each other as the years came. She gave me the care with her hugs and kisses even though virtual ways felt. Her uplifting speeches and just her togetherness gave me a solid structure to visualize to. Even if it was virtual you help me grow. I know I don't talk much about my feelings but when I do I want to make sure they're heard. And on this Mother's Day 5/10/20 I want to say to both that I love you.
Happy Mother's Day
XoXo Ya'll daughter

We hope all the mothers have a awesome and blessed Mother's Day!
Signing out
Dr. Destiny C. Shaw
aka Big Sister On Point
Dr. Destiny C. Shaw
aka Big Sister On Point
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
✝👏 National Day of Prayer 👏✝
The John 13:34
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
John 13:34 (NIV)
Today is, May 6, 2020 National Day of Prayer! The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. Many people are unaware that they live in a nation that has a law in place requiring our President proclaim a National Day of Prayer each year on the first Thursday in May. It is Public Law 105-225 that the President shall issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a National Day of Prayer on which the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals.
Prayer brings people together. Prayer builds bridges between opposing persons and even political parties. Prayer reminds us that we are created in God's image and He desires for us to represent Him everywhere we go.
For me, as a citizen and resident of the United States and as a believer in Christ Jesus, I not only have a spiritual responsibility according to 1 Timothy 2:1-2 to pray, but a civic duty as well to heed our President’s call to stand in the gap for our nation. Who but God’s people have the ability to enter into the very throne room of Heaven with prayers and petitions!
The theme for this year as per national day of prayer website is Prayer God's Glory across the earth.
History of the National Day of Prayer
Fasting and prayer are religious exercises; the enjoining them an act of discipline. Every religious society has a right to determine for itself the time for these exercises, and the objects proper for them, according to their own particular tenets; and right can never be safer than in their hands, where the Constitution has deposited it.
—Thomas Jefferson, 1808
"There is no great movement of God that has ever occurred that does not begin with the extraordinary prayer of God's people." Dr. Ronnie Floyd
In a society riddled with hate and division, the word "love" almost seems like a foreign concept. In years past, our nation has faced some daunting issues, yet the one thing that still seems to unify the American people is prayer.
Depending on the denomination you identify with, prayer can hold countless meanings. In its simplest form, prayer is communicating with God. Prayer is a powerful force that, when coupled with love, can produce great outcomes. When it comes to prayer, love is key.
At this crucial time for our nation, we can do nothing more important than pray. The National Day of Prayer has great significance for us as a nation as it enables us to recall and to teach the way in which our founding fathers sought the wisdom of God when faced with critical decisions. It stands as a call for us to humbly come before God, seeking his guidance for our leaders and his grace upon us as a people. The unanimous passage of the bill establishing the National Day of Prayer as an annual event, signifies that prayer is as important to our nation today as it was in the beginning.
Like Thanksgiving or Christmas, this day has become a national observance placed on all Hallmark calendars and observed annually across the nation and in Washington, D.C. Every year, local, state, and federal observances were held from sunrise in Maine to sunset in Hawaii, uniting Americans from all socio-economic, political and ethnic backgrounds in prayer for our nation. It is estimated that over two million people attended more than 30,000 observances – organized by approximately 40,000 volunteers. At state capitols, county court houses, on the steps of city halls, and in schools, businesses, churches and homes, people stopped their activities and gathered for prayer.(http://www.nationaldayofprayer.org/about)
- Historical Summary
- 1775 – The first Continental Congress calls for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting.
- 1863 – Abraham Lincoln calls for a National Day of Prayer.
- 1952 – Harry S. Truman declares a National Day of Prayer and signs into law an annual observance there of – United States Congress passed Joint Resolution 382 on April 17, 1952/ President Truman signs Public Law 82-324 (Public Law 82-324; 66 Stat. 64—April 17, 1952).
- 1988 – Ronald Reagan signs into law the designation of the first Thursday in May as the annual observance for the National Day of Prayer – President Reagan signs Public Law 100-307 January 25, 1988, in the Second Session of the One Hundredth Congress (Public Law 100-307—May 5, 1988).
- 1998 – Pub. L. 105-225, August 12, 1998, 112 Stat. 1258: The President shall issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a National Day of Prayer on which the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals. This law was signed by President Clinton.
Lord, we exist to give You glory. We exist
because of Your glory, and in Your glory, as
our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. We
give you thanks and praise for every breath
and moment You have given to us. We
repent of our sin; for the shameful things
we have done against You and for our
silence when we did not speak up to
proclaim Your Name, profess Your Word,
or protect and practice Your will.
We ask Your forgiveness.
We pray that the knowledge of the glory of
the Lord will spread across our nation and
the entire earth as we seek Your Kingdom
and righteousness; as we walk in
obedience to You, and in humble unity,
love one another. Jesus, the Bible says that
You are “the knowledge of the glory of the
Lord.” You have taught us to pray,
commanded us to love, and commissioned
us to share Your gospel of grace. Your
glory fills our hearts and families, it
overflows into our neighborhoods,
workplaces, campuses, churches,
entertainment, and media. We give thanks
for our military and ask that Your glory
would spread to, and through them as they
preserve freedom around the world. We
pray for our government, that all of our
leaders and laws would be filled with Your
glory, that they would magnify Your Holy
Word and honor Your will and ways. We
pray that Your grace and glory would
spread to bring hope to the hopeless, and
love where there is hurt and hate. God, use
us as we pray your promise, that “the earth
will be filled with the knowledge of the
glory of the Lord as the waters
cover the sea.” In Jesus Name, Amen!
Kathy Branzell
President, National Day of Prayer Task Force
Signing Out
Dr. Destiny Shaw aka Big Sister On Point
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